Friday 23 October 2009

Hit Counter

The last time I looked at the hit counter was Sept 23 - one whole month ago. The blog was registering as having had 321 hits then and now the number is 448 - which is about 4 hits a day - not great, but not terrible either!

Where does the Time Go?

I can't believe its been so long since I last wrote a blog entry and when I look to see what I've been doing it feels like a lot of time spent doing nothing particularly productive.

One success however, is my Twitter account. I now have 140 followers and the number rises every day. Sometimes I spend a couple of minutes at a time reading other people's tweets and retweeting some of them and at other times I can spend half an hour to an hour messing about going to the different links and reading stuff on line.

Is it productive or not? Hard to say, because I don't think any of my tweets have translated into direct sales BUT I am building a network of on line contacts some of whom will one day think about buying a Treasure Trail maybe - meantime, I am on the word of mouth marketing mission!

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Web Hits

Our web hits are going up and up - check out the graph!!

A - Z of Treasure Trails

The things that amuse........

A - Aaron - our fabulous designer!

B - Bewdley - one of the nicest places we have in our catalogue of Trails :

C is for craft fairs - one of the outlets we use when selling our Trails direct - here is where we plan to go next:

And D is for David, my wonderful husband who works with me in the business x

E is for Everyone - our Trails really are suitable for all ages and abilities, many are pushchair and wheelchair friendly too!

F is for Friends and Family - our brochure says - do you like playing games with Friends and Family ??!!

G is for the Golden Valley - one of 4 Driving Trails in our catalogue

H is for Herefordshire, the county we are based in

I is for Icecream - one of the things you can do along the way is to have one! Local is best :-)

J is for January, the month that Treasure Trails has its annual conference and all the licensees get together! This year in Bournemouth!

K is for Kidderminster - a much nicer place than I first thought - it needs exploring! Use a Trail -

L is for Ludlow which is out of our area, we need a new licensee to take on Treasure Trails Shropshire - know anyone? Please RT

M is for Monmouth - which is out of our area, we need a new licensee to take on Treasure Trails South Wales - know anyone? Please RT

N is for Newsletter, Blog, Twitter and all the other marketing stuff I try and do to encourage repeat biz !

O is for Organised Events - a Treasure Trails specialism - drawing on my HR background!

P is for Personalised Gifts - we do a fab line in personalising the Trails to make them unique to the individual.

Q, always a hard one and the best I can think of is Q is for Quirky - all our licensees are quirky, & the quirkiest of the lot is our MD!

R is for Ross on Wye and Redditch - both at the extremities of our patch!

S is for Spy Trail - our newest format and the easiest of the lot to write! Try our Malvern Hills one!

T is easy, its T for Treasure Trails!

U is for Upside Down - our posters feature an upside down man! Told you about the quirky didn't I !

V = 5 (as in the roman numeral) & the amount U pay 4 a Treasure Trail - just £5 per Trail - gr8 value 4 a day out with friends & family!

W is for wheelchairs 14 of our Trails are written to suit wheelchair users and further 6 are pushchair friendly as well!

X is for Xray (how original), but Megasight, our TT Superhero is so called because of his xray vision - he can see clues, others can't .....

Y is for Youth Hostels - one of the outlets that stock our Trails thanks to the Leominster YHA

I've decided Z is for Zaycation, what they said everyone would be doing this year in a french accent - & therefore great for TT biz!!


I created a survey and am really pleased with it - have had 8 responses so far - please do it and make my day!
