Tuesday 12 January 2010

Review of 2009

We've just done a review of 2009 and put together a folder of all the good stuff we achieved and its amazing how satisfying it is to look at 12 months worth of work and be pleased and proud of it.... we've done a 12 page challenge for a lady called Sophie which was for her hen party and consisted of the Hereford Trail together with puzzles, quizzes, photo competition and shopping challenges and much fun was had by all - we've actually just done another 12 page challenge, but I can't tell you the content until after the event, so it remains the contents remain secret to the lady who commissioned it - she is going to be 50 and has a group of friends all staying at Upper Fields Farm near Ross-on-Wye. We've also put together several personalised Trails - some for hens and some for birthdays. We loved doing the personalisations and we try to make them special and of course unique to the person who has asked for it.

We've also had lots of successes with our marketing efforts, including this blog of course and twitter!

Plus our bespoke Trails and Organised events have caused us pain in the making, but have been fab "on the day" as it were!!

So much done and so much more to do....... !! Onwards and upwards to 2010 (is it twenty ten or two thousand and ten, doesn't anyone know??)

Friday 8 January 2010

New Trail ready !

Spent the day creating a new mini (9 clues) Trail that can be done around a room as part of a presentation / talk to a group - maybe the WI, or a networking group or something along those lines... .now need to find groups to talk to! Have priced up multimedia machines, but can't find anything under £199, so may not be able to buy one at this stage, but hope that any where I end up talking to has one otherwise the presentation needs to be delivered without visual aids and I don't think it works as well.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Trailing in the Snow

Beautiful day today if you are inside! This is the view from our kitchen window which is where I have been gazing out of!

This morning have put together all the games and puzzles for a Personalised Challenge we are arranging for a lady who is celebrating her 50th Birthday. she is staying at Upper Fields Farm in Llangarron and was looking for something to entertain her friends with on the Saturday. They are having a quiz Friday evening and then going out somewhere for dinner Saturday evening and will do the Challenge during the day. Think its going to work out really well for her.... hope so - will post any feedback we get!

Sunday 3 January 2010

Happy New Year

Bright sunny Sunday and a few minutes to update the blog - last month was crazy with lots of shows and craft fairs to attend, lots of telephone orders to process and lots of Christmas stuff to do on a personal front!

Tomorrow work starts again in earnest, but in the meantime, blog hits are up to 582 and my new year's resolution is to keep this blog up to date and hopefully interesting!

Prize winners for 2009 have been notified and I am waiting for them to get back to me with which free Trails they want sent out to them - more on that in a later blog.

Marketing plans for 2010 are being developed and we have some interesting data to share on last year's metrics - again more on that later.

Watch this space!!