Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Hit Counter

Writing a blog is a weird thing to do isn't it when you think about it - why on earth would anyone be interested in the musings of a 50 something, self employed mum of grown up sons?

Seems one or two are though as the hit counter that David installed on the blog site is up to 321 today! A significant number -> 3 2 1 Thunderbirds are go!! But because it is rare to get comments on the blog entries, I really don't know who reads it; whether they read it regularly or if it is one of those that people stumble across, are bored by and stagger on!

Anyway, I've decided to watch the hit counter and see how many hits I get on average per day/week and go from there! But if you do have a comment, then I'd love to hear it! Meantime, 3 2 1 Treasure Trails Are Go!!

1 comment:

  1. September 2009 at 05:48

    Keep up the good work Amanda from your regular follower!
